Feat x Feet

Youth Tap Ensemble

fxf_youth tap in whitefish.jpg

Audition Information and Requirements:

Auditions for Feat x Feet take place in March at the studio in the O’Shaughnessy Center in Whitefish. (1 Central Ave).  Feat x Feet is made up of any combination of the following categories; company members, junior company members, apprentices and/or understudies/alternate. Only persons truly interested in TAP and dedicated to our TAP company should audition. Feat x Feet is not just a personal commitment but also a family commitment and parents will be expected to help during show season. All existing members must audition each year along with the new participants. Judges at the audition will place members with final approval by director Ashley Wold.


FxF Attendance Policy:

The rehearsal schedule is attached. All members need to attend all FxF classes listed. All members must sign below and agree to attend ALL rehearsals and shows. In addition, all members must attend the summer workshop in Whitefish June 10-116 as well as one (either fall or spring) MDAA workshop each year. Although it is not mandatory it is recommended that all FxF Company and JR Company members age 14 or older attend CHRP, LATap Festival, Tap City or another tap festival.

All FxF members are allowed one excused absence per semester except during dress rehearsals and shows. Sickness and family emergencies do not count against you. Please allow for additional rehearsals if needed. If a member chooses to be in another activity that conflicts with FxF beyond the one excused absence than the member should bring the conflicting event schedule with a proposed solution to the director the first week of the semester. The solution should include equal hours missed with make up rehearsal times which are taught by the captain and must have all dancers involved in attendance. At this time FxF Company members will vote on the membership of the person in question. If the vote keeps the membership active and a rehearsal solutions is found then the member stays in his/her current position. If a member misses more than their one excused miss and they do not follow the above listed options then they forfeit their current position and become an understudy/alternate.


FxF Discipline:

Discipline issues and poor grades are not tolerated by FxF and will be handled by a vote taken amongst the company members only. FxF exists in an environment where everyone is helpful and available to ask and answer questions. The company Captains are required to have detailed dance knowledge and choreography answers and will be voted in during the month of March.


Tuition & Ticket Sales:

Tuition is due the first day of each quarter. If tuition is not turned in on time the member will use the class as their miss. All members must sell a minimum of $100 in ads or in donations for the show, one auction item and a minimum of 60 tickets for company members, 50 for junior company 40 for apprentices. Any member that sells a sponsorship will not need to sell the ad or bring in the auction item and can reduce their ticket sales by 10. Any member who does not meet these requirements will have to pay the difference to FxF. (ie if you are an apprentice and you only sell 10 tickets of the required 40 you would owe fxf $495 before the first show or you will not be allowed to perform.) All members have to sell 10 tickets per summer show.Please take time to thank all present and past members of Feat x Feet…for without them, their hard work, dedication and incredible ability and their families, there would not be Feat x Feet. Feat x Feet is a pre-professional tap company, the only one of its kind in Montana, 1 of 12 nationwide. Please remember, FxF will represent you well and you will need to represent FxF well throughout all aspects of our community.


2023-2024 Calendar

August 29th - October 3rd
First quarter - $375 6-8pm FxF Company/Jr. 5:15-7:15p apprentice

October 10th - December 19th
Second quarter - $375 6-8p FxF Company/Jr. 5:15-7:15p apprentice

  • No class 10/31, 11/21, 12/26, 1/9

January 2nd - February 13th, 2024
Third quarter - $375 6-8p FxF Company/Jr. 5:15-7:15p apprentice

  • January 3rd - tech rehearsal 5:30-7:30p

  • January 4th - full dress rehearsal 5:30-7:30p

February 20th - April 23rd
Fourth quarter - $375 6-8p FxF Company/Jr. 5:15-7:15p apprentice

  • March 19th - auditions

June 17th - 21st
2024 summer workshop and performance