Since 1997, Feat x Feet Tap School has offered tap classes to ages four through adult in the Flathead Valley. Classes are held in Whitefish and are taught by Artistic Director Ashley Smith. Based in Whitefish, Montana, Feat x Feet Youth Tap Ensemble provides students the opportunity to be part of a pre-professional tap performing company.
Youth Tap Ensemble
Members for the Feat x Feet Youth Tap Ensemble are selected at the annual auditions in March then take class on Tuesdays from September through April with performances each January and June.
Feat x Feet Tap School
Feat x Feet offers tap school classes for ages 4 through adult on Tuesdays at the O’Shaughnessy studio September through April with performances in January and June.
FxF Classes
Classes are offered for all and foster athletic, rhythmic, and performance skills. The Tap School is designed to build self-confidence and prepare students to master the skills in order to audition for the Youth Tap Ensemble.
Intro to Tap
For children ages 3-5 years old. Students build a foundation for basic tap steps, patterns, listening skills & rhythm.
Beginning Tap
For children ages 5-9, grades K- first/ second. Class is geared to increase tap vocabulary & introduce students to time steps & flaps.
Intermediate Tap
For ages 8-14, grades 2-8. Students link tap steps in more complicated patterns & develop speed & fluency using flaps, time steps & flash steps.
Intermediate/Advanced Tap
For ages 10 and up. Students learn to complete detailed series of steps with speed & accuracy. time steps, flash steps, pickups, wings, and/or move on to Feat x Feet.
Adult Tap
For adults and is held on Tuesdays in the O’Shaughnessy Center studio in Whitefish.
All Classes and Lessons
Find all classes and private lesson registration provided by Feat x Feet in Whitefish.
Let’s Tap!